Participants are accommodated in two hostels, Jellyfish Hostel (delegations of Germany and Poland, Scientific Committee) and Hanse-Hostel (all other delegations). Contact data of these hostels are:
Hanse-Hostel: Doberaner Str. 96, 18057 Rostock, Tel. +49 381 25299980
Jellyfish Hostel: Beginenberg 25, 18055 Rostock, Tel. +49 381 4443858
Breakfast is provided in your hostel. Most lunches and dinners are taken in university restaurants, so called “Mensa”s; see the schedule for precise information. At each lunch or dinner in a Mensa, you may take a main course, two side dishes (like potatoes, noodles, vegetables), either salad or dessert, plus a soft drink. Show your badge at the cashier for identification; no badge, no food.
During BOI, the Institute of Computer Science provides Internet access to all partcipants.